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Getting the firebird-documentation repository from GitHub

What is git?
Git clients
Checking out the firebird-documentation repository

The firebird-documentation repository is a repository on the Firebird Project on GitHub. In order to download it, you need a piece of software called a git client. This section describes the necessary steps to get the software and the firebird-documentation repository. The actual doc building will be discussed in the next main section: Building the Firebird docs with Gradle.

What is git?

Git is a distributed version control system. It is a tool to manage software development, useful both for single developers and for teamwork. The Firebird Project on GitHub is divided into several so-called repositories, the firebird-documentation repository being one of them.

Git clients

Downloading a repository from GitHub is called cloning a repository in git lingo. To do that, you need a git client; they exist for practically every operating system. Here's a list of git clients for some popular OSes:

  • Linux, BSD and other Unices

    • Command-line git is often pre-installed. If it isn't, use the admin tools of your distribution to install it – you'll typically find it in the development category (in ubuntu/debian you can install it from terminal with apt-get install git). If that doesn't work for you, get it at

  • Windows

  • Mac OS X

    • Mac OS X comes with command-line git already included.

  • Others

Get one or more of the abovementioned clients and install according to the instructions that come with it. After that, you are ready to check out the firebird-documentation repository.

Checking out the firebird-documentation repository

If you only want to build the documentation, you can clone the repository to your local machine and build from there. If you want to contribute, there are two ways of contributing to a repository: contributing through a pull request from a fork of the repository, or working directly on the repository.

The common method of contributing on GitHub is through so-called pull request. With a pull request, you don't commit directly to the original repository. Instead, you fork the repository to your own GitHub account, make your changes on this fork, and then create a pull request to ask for those changes to be incorporated in the repository of the Firebird Project.

Working directly on the repository is similar to using a fork. The main difference is that working directly on the repository is more suitable for trusted regular contributors, while pull requests are very suitable for occasional or one-off contributions. To be able to work directly on the repository requires that you have been given commit-access to the repository, while anyone can create a pull request.

If you are unfamiliar with git and GitHub, you may also want to read Getting started with GitHub.

Cloning the firebird-documentation repository

To clone the Firebird repository on the command line:

  • Go to the directory where you want to clone, the repository will be cloned to a subdirectory in the location, for example C:\projects\

  • git clone

  • The repository will be downloaded into C:\projects\firebird-documentation\

If you decide to contribute through pull requests, replace the repository URL with the one from your fork.

Cloning through a git (graphical) client usually only requires the repository URL. Check the documentation of your client for more information.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Docbuilding Howto → Getting the firebird-documentation repository from SF