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Building the Firebird docs with Gradle

Where to get Java
How to set up the environment for the build
Building the HTML and PDF docs

Several Java tools are used to produce the HTML and PDF docs from the DocBook XML source. Therefore, you need a recent version of Java installed on your system.

In the next subsections we will show you:

  1. Where to get Java

  2. How to set up the environment for the doc build process

  3. How to build the HTML and PDF docs

If you already have recent version of Java installed, you may skip the first step.

Where to get Java

Download and install:

How to set up the environment for the build

The build scripts need an environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the Java install directory.

  • On Windows, this is typically something of the form C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_232. To be sure, check if there's a directory called bin underneath it, and if this bin subdir contains the file java.exe

  • On Linux, it may be /usr/lib/java/jre or /usr/java/jdk, or... well, it can be a lot of things. The same check applies: it should have a subdir bin containing an executable file java (without the .exe extension here).

If you're lucky, the JAVA_HOME envar is already present and correct. If not, you have to set it yourself, e.g. under Windows with set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_232 or under Linux/bash with export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java/jdk. (Note: these paths are just examples; they may or may not be the same as yours.)

Tip: make the JAVA_HOME envar permanent so you won't have to set it again and again. How to do this depends on your OS. Consult its documentation if necessary.

Building the HTML and PDF docs

If you've made it here in one piece, you are finally ready to build the Firebird docs. Here's what to do:

  1. If you haven't done so already, this is the moment to read the file that lives in the firebird-documentation directory. It may contain important information not (yet) included in this Howto.

  2. If you are in a graphical environment, open a command window.

  3. Unless the instructs you otherwise, go to the folder firebird-documentation/ and give the command

    gradlew (in Windows), or

    ./gradlew (in Linux)

    If everything was set up correctly, you now get a number of output lines ending with BUILD SUCCESSFUL, and mentioning some build targets (things you can build).

  4. Now you can build something more substantial, e.g.

    gradlew docbookHtml or

    gradlew docbookPdf

    Whatever you build will wind up in the directory tree under firebird-documentation/build


  • If you build the PDF target, you will receive tons of error messages. You can safely ignore them, as long as one of the last lines reads BUILD SUCCESSFUL.

  • Due to limitations in the build software, some PDF files may need manual post-processing before they are presentable. For your own use they're OK though, in the sense that everything's in there. If you do want to fix them up, read the topic Improving the PDF near the end of this guide.


If your local copy of the firebird-documentation repository is placed in a path that contains spaces or other non-alphanum, non-underscore characters, the PDF build may fail because an intermediate file is placed in a newly created path with the same name, except that all the offending characters are replaced with their URL-encodings: space becomes %20, etc.

The best way to avoid these problems is to place the firebird-documentation repository in a path that contains only unaccented letters, digits and/or underscores. The second best way is to make the URL-encoded version of the path a symlink to the real path. Once you have set up the symlink, all the future builds will go fine. (This may not work on Windows, however.)

Building non-English sets with --language

To build documentation sets in non-English languages (in so far as they are available) use the --language argument and supply the language code, e.g.:

gradlew docbookPdf --language=es

gradlew docbookHtml --language=fr

Non-English output will go into subdirectories like firebird-documentation/build/pdf-firebirddocs-ru, firebird-documentation/build/html-firebirddocs-fr, etc.

If you don't specify --language, the English set will be built.


Not all language sets contain the same amount of documentation. This depends on docwriters' and translators' activity. Usually, the English set will be the most complete and the most up-to-date.

Building subsets with --docId

The examples given so far all produce the entire docset (for one language). Usually, this is not what you want. To build a specific document – e.g. a book or an article – use the --docId argument.

With the --docId argument, you must supply the ID of the element you want to build, for example:

gradlew docbookPdf --docId=fbutils

gradlew docbookPdf --language=fr --docId=qsg15-fr

How do you know the ID? You can find it in the DocBook XML sources. Look for the id attributes on elements such as book, article, and chapter. To find out more about this subject, consult the Firebird Docwriting Guide.

As you can see from the last example, command-line arguments can be combined.

Building a different base set with --baseName

Since January 2006, the Firebird Release Notes have been integrated with the firebird-documentation repository, but they constitute a base set of their own, parallel to the default firebirddocs set. This has given rise to yet another command-line parameter, --baseName (pun intended), whose value should be rlsnotes to build the Release Notes:

gradlew docbookPdf --baseName=rlsnotes

gradlew docbookPdf --baseName=rlsnotes --docId=rlsnotes20

gradlew docbookPdf --baseName=rlsnotes --language=fr

Meanwhile, two other base sets have been added: papers and refdocs.

The output from alternative base sets is written to the same folders as usual, except in one case: the multi-file html target output is placed in firebird-documentation/build/html-<baseName>, to avoid mixing files from different base sets and so that the sets' index.html files don't overwrite each other. Non-English sets go into firebird-documentation/build/html-<baseName>-<language>. For instance, the English HTML Release Notes are written to firebird-documentation/build/html-rlsnotes, the French notes to firebird-documentation/build/html-rlsnotes-fr.

Building the docs – conclusion

That's it – you are now a certified Firebird doc builder. Congratulations!

If you want to write or translate docs for the Firebird Project yourself, also read the Firebird Docwriting Guide.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Docbuilding Howto → Building the Firebird docs with Gradle